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All About Estrangement

Estrangement isn't a new concept.
It is however, a highly taboo subject because of societal norms

Many people do not truly know how prevalent and common estrangement can be. Since several people think of estrangement as a one-time event that permanently ends a relationship, many never realize that they or someone they know has gone through estrangement.

According to a study conducted by Stand Alone UK and Cambridge University, almost one-third of people in the UK have either experienced estrangement or know someone who has. According to the same study, the age bracket with the highest number of people facing estrangement includes people aged 35-54 years old.


Since estrangement is something that adversely affects a large number of adults, Together Estranged has the goal of providing support to those who are now in adulthood but feel the loss of connection with family members.


Stigma Surrounding Estrangement


Despite this being such a common experience, 68% of estranged people said that they felt stigma surrounding their estrangement, according to another study conducted by Stand Alone UK. Many participants mentioned feeling judged and that there was a societal misunderstanding about estrangement.


Several felt judged due to people perpetuating myths about estrangement. Many respondents expressed that they experienced the following from others:


  • Judgment and placing of blame/fault

  • A contradiction of expectations about what a family “should” be

  • Dismissal/disbelief

  • Avoidance

  • Lack of understanding

  • Silence about the issue, lack of exposure

  • Contradicting expectations during holidays and events

  • Imposed religious/cultural expectations

  • Fear of embarrassment/family no longer seeming “perfect”

Defining Estrangement

There are many terms that someone may use to describe estrangement, such as:

  • "Cutting off" someone

  • Disownment

  • Alienation

  • No Contact

  • "Grey-rocking"

  • Low Contact

  • And more

Family estrangement is defined by Wikipedia as,

"The loss of a previously existing relationship between family members, through physical and/or emotional distancing, often to the extent that there is negligible or no communication between the individuals for a prolonged period.

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Common Factors of Estrangement

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Ignoring a family member or avoiding sharing major life details with them

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Not many positive memories with this person; bad memories or feelings present

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Moving away to be further from them, or not coming over as often

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Differences in opinion on whether or not to reconcile or make amends

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Feeling everything or absolutely numb

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Mismatch between expectations on how family roles should be played out

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